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The Process

Phase 1: Initial Design


Everyone's design needs are unique, so our first goal is to understand where you stand currently in your project, what your goals are for the project, and when you would like the project completed. After this initial consultation, we submit conceptual drawings and get your feedback so we get things looking just the way you want. Concepts are then finalized  into contract drawings for submission to municipal officials. 


Phase 2: Compliance & Approval

Once designs are drafted they must be reviewed for compliance with local municipality guidelines. Municipalities can be a big headache but this is where we can help. With our experience and knowledge about municipal processes, we will navigate your project through the red tape making the process headache free for you while ensuring your project does not get delayed. 

Phase 3: Execution

Many landscape architects don't put much focus on this phase, but we do. If a client would like our involvement we oversee and inspect the installation to ensure designs are being implemented properly. Improper installations not only look bad, they also can cause compliance issues that delay your project. We do all we can to ensure that designs are properly executed from start to finish.    


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